I believe this is a pioneering time for humanity. We are searching for new models for living, connecting with each other and working together. It’s now becoming possible for us to experience a level of inner wellbeing and inner wealth that were impossible until very recently. For me, the most important work we can do right now is bring together wellbeing and wealth and share it as widely as we can.
If you share this belief with me, I imagine you would love to experience more power and agency to make a positive difference without having to be a hero and save the world. I imagine you’re very attracted by joy, freedom and being your true self. You value aliveness, vitality and living fully, but you sometimes wonder if you’re missing something essential. It can feel like your life has been a long, tough journey but you know deep inside yourself that wisdom will prevail and a more heart-centred world is on the way.
My contribution is to help shape a world where we treasure and value the wellbeing of all life above all else, because we know it’s the foundation of a healthy, fulfilling life. It starts with us prioritising our own wellbeing and sharing it generously in our communities. I am looking forward to the time when, as a society, our wealth arises from our wellbeing, and we are investing in human wellbeing all over the planet.
What are you contributing?
Sarah McCrum
Creator of Wellbeing: The Source Code
This is the home base for the entire gathering. You will meet each other here, join live sessions, listen to activations, access your course materials and share your stories.
It is literally a place to come to the Well of Being to be replenished and rejuvenated, ready for your next life adventure.
We will take one Source Code of WELLBEING each week and install it energetically in your system. The group experience makes this much easier than doing it alone. Sharing your stories and connecting with each enhances and strengthens your connection with the codes, and also with each other.
We will take one Source Code of WELLBEING each week and install it energetically in your system. The group experience makes this much easier than doing it alone. Sharing your stories and connecting with each will enhance and strengthen your connection with the codes, and also with each other.
8 x 60 minute live group sessions in your time zone plus spontaneous live experiences.
Sarah will guide you to experience true wellbeing that is shared with the entire group. She will show you how to access this for yourself whenever you want to, so it becomes your go-to place for daily living, solving problems and improving your quality of life.
She will also share insights, answers to questions and commentary on current themes in the group energy field.
Everything is recorded and stored in case you miss it or want to keep it for later.
16 x live audios, also available as recordings.
Learn the signature energy of each of the source codes of WELLBEING, so they initiate and activate your true wellbeing, wealth, love of life, energy and creativity.
8 x 60 minute sessions (available in all timezones)
Share your experiences of your changing wellbeing and discover the power of your stories to activate group wellbeing, which is remarkable, beautiful and delicious.
Lyerka Miller
Pollyanna Darling
Skye Trivett